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snap off_snap off

时间:2023-07-12 09:34 阅读数:7082人阅读

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snap off

snap off造句_snap off例句_单词乎1、Snap off a twig 啪地一下折断一根树枝2、About five o 'clock it was blue enough outside to snap off the light. 五点左右,外面天色更蓝,屋子里的灯可以关掉了。3、Change the snap off和break off和有什么不一样?HiNativesnap offThey are basically the same if you are talking about a physical object breaking."Break off"can apply to non-physical things."I broke off the relationship."="I ended the 。

ゃōゃ 【英音Art 中英字幕】RSC|Snap Off Blade|Tools of the Trade_哔哩哔哩_bilibiliYouTubeAlan Smith shows how he uses a snap-off blade cut pieces of leather and make armour.This series of videos about costume making explores the tools of the trade and how the snap-off_网络释义_有道手机词典解释:1. snap-off:  离网防喘纸asthma 18离网snap-off 6印刷头printinghead dict.youdao.com 2. snap-off:  弹回高度soldering软焊,烧焊. snap-off弹回高度. ligand错离子从属体. dict.youdao.com 3. snap-off:  脱模本文探讨了印刷机Cycle Time的缩短、印刷精度的提高及脱模(Snap-off)的全新设计。dict.youdao.com 4. snap-off:  距离关键要素参数设置刮刀速度(squeegee speed) : 40mm/sec 刮刀压力(squeegee pressure) : 4N/cm2 脱模距离( Snap-off ) : 1.0mm 脱模速度(Down-release speed) : 0.1mm/sec 点胶量A C B METALLIZATION 焊盘- 80%焊盘之间的面积- 胶点宽高比在2dict.youdao.com 5. Snap-off height:  离网高度dict.youdao.com 6. snap-off-distance:  印刷间隙dict.youdao.com 7. snap-off-distance:  脱网高度dict.youdao.com 8. snap off diode:  阶跃恢复二极管dict.youdao.com 9. snap off diode:  急变二极管dict.youdao.com 10. snap-off diode:  阶跃二极管dict.youdao.com。

砍断;撕开;裂开;咬断;绝交,Break off;snap off,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典3)cut off;Break off 4)tear off;rip off The question of early fracture and break board of cement concrete road surface is analyzed carefully;and in view of the hazard that may snap off_口语例句Change the channel.Snap off the radio. 换台,关掉收音机。youdao About five o 'clock it was blue enough outside to snap off the light. 五点左右,外面天色更蓝,屋子里的灯可以。

折断树枝,snap off a twing,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典词都网是含有超过500万不重复词条的专业词典,涵盖了基础科学,工业技术,医药卫生,农业,文化历史,社会科学,经济管理,电子技术,信息科学等各个方面,并且不断更新以获取最新的词汇和知识。snap-off 的翻译是:管理单元关闭中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语aComing 来[translate] aStay for days 逗留好几天[translate] asnap-off 正在翻译,请等待.[translate]。

请教我使用snap off的例句。HiNativesnap off 的例句。最好是在日常生活中经常使用的句子。查看翻译(The branches had been damaged and snapped off easily) Which means break off or take off but it's rarely used (The snap off diode是什么意思?snap off diode翻译(中文英文)急变二极管,阶跃恢…《抓鸟》英语词典snap off diode→snapback diode,step recovery diode frequency multiplier,recovery diode,energy recovery diode,supercapister,diode restorer,Ketter diode,alloyed diode,autocap 近义词。



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